Gate Crash
According to the Chinese wedding tradition, the concept of Gate Crash is a series of test or games to authenticate the Groom’s sincerity in winning the hand of the maiden. While some frown on this concept, citing it being childish or just plain inhumane (as you may have read from articles on gate crash held in China). Gate Crash, 闹婚, 接亲游戏, 堵门游戏. They are essentially the same, that is to demonstrate the Groom’s love for his Bride. It is also to show how precious is the Bride to her family, so much so that they have to device ‘obstacles’ to prevent the Groom from entering the house and winning his Bride.
Widely practiced in China, Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. If well executed, the Gate Crash can be quite fun as it certainly proves to the most aired moments for the express morning highlights. The amount of expression filled shots that can be captured is truly a wedding photographer or videographer’s dream. You may be surprised, some of the most candid and memorable capture does come from the Gate Crash, especially those with very unique style or angles.
As a professional Singapore wedding service provide in photography and video (or cinematography), we would always advised our Groom and Groomsmen to never hold back but go all out. Or else it will be a super boring affair where all the ‘excitement’ and ‘fun’ has been stripped away.
Here are some of the highlights